Dunja Gačnik
I’m a vigorous trainer, a lady that loves indulging in sports and being active. In 2009 I started my own club. I had worked in many different clubs and sport related societies beforehand and due to witnessing the lack of professionalism and bad organisation, my independent journey began. It has not been easy, but I managed to push through with good work ethics and continuous education.
I still work in and follow the same mindset today. The result? Satisfied and loyal customers who love coming back. This is what matters to me the most…
…as I am a person who believes that if you do good things, good things will happen to you
My motto:
- STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructor
- Vaditelj pilatesa (GZS)
- Učitelj AEQ klinične somatike; 1. stopnja
- Pilates® Mat inštruktor
- Vodenje telesne aktivnosti pred porodom in po porodu (ZFS)
- Gymstick Basic inštruktor
- Inštruktor nordijske hoje
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